Why exactly does investing develop financial freedom?
"The distinction between having wealth and having money is an important one to make." - Bryn Solly, Finance Support Manager
"The distinction between having wealth and having money is an important one to make." - Bryn Solly, Finance Support Manager
"With interest rates on the rise, it's expected that people will be searching high and low for the best deals." - Kate Moore, Finance Support Manager
"It's no secret that Brisbane's property prices have been the strongest in Australia for some time now, but seeing it break into the top 10 globally is something special." -John Stavrinoudis, Finance Manager
"Brisbane rental market is in the tightest spot that it's ever been in." -Jake Haupt, Senior Financial Consultant
"Queensland is still standing as the highest growing state even with interest rates on the rise, however, growth is now seen outside of Brisbane." - Bryn Solly, Finance Support Manager
"Property is one of the most popular investments, so it's important you choose your investment wisely." - Fraser Cullen, Customer Success Specialist
"Brisbane's history of flooding has left many investors unsure how safe of an area it is to buy, but the Brisbane City Council has buffed its flood resilient program to help Brisbane buyers feel safe and sound." -Bryn Solly, Finance Support Manager
"Before you rush to fix your home loan or bury your head in the sand, here is a quick explainer on what it is, why it's happening and how it will impact you." - Cat Mapusua, General Manager
"There's a certain attraction to buying investment properties in the outer suburbs, but getting blinded by the lower prices may cost you more than you think." -Kate Moore, Finance Support Manager