WLTH Finance Tracker Rebrands To Moneymgmt
Posted on: 20 Aug 2020

WLTH Finance Tracker Rebrands To Moneymgmt

"We've been a strong advocate of the WLTH Finance Tracker as a personal finance tool for all our clients. It's a great way to set budgets, manage goals, and track all your money needs. The WLTH Finance Tracker is rebranding to a different name, but will continue to provide the same level of service and functionality we've grown accustomed to. Please read their announcement below!" - Steve Tahere

We are changing our name and wanted you to know first!

After almost three years as WLTH Finance Tracker, we are rolling out 'A Fresh New Look' but it will still be the 'Same Way To Simplify Your Finances!'

Many brands have changed their name over the years and we are excited to do the same.

We love our new brand and we hope you do too!


Moneymgmt = A fresh new look, same way to simplify your finances!

You will start to see our new logo appear across the web version from today and then everything else will follow soon.

All of your links and logins will stay the same for now, and the only thing that will be changing is the logo! We will continually update you over the next few weeks as we make changes to ensure this is as easy for you as possible!

We love our rebrand and like many brands before us, we are confident the change will enable us to keep growing. We still aim to make it easier for Australians to manage all their finances in one central location, with the same level of service you are used to.

There have been some great rebrands over the years and some of them make you wonder, if these companies didn't rebrand, would they be as successful today? Here are some that made us laugh!


If you have any questions or would like to speak with a member of the Moneymgmt team, please click the link below and book in a time.

Book a Call Back

Source: https://news.wlth.com.au/were-changing-our-name

Crow, B. (2020, August 13). Introducing Moneymgmt. Retrieved from https://news.wlth.com.au/were-changing-our-name